




So what are the expectations during the initial consultation?

  • The initial consultation may take an hour or longer.
  • We will go over why you have decided to come to see me.
  • We will go through your past medical history and what medications you are  taking. If you are on a stack of  medication it may be easier for you to bring a list with you.
  • Your diet will be explored and I may make suggestions.
  • Lifestyle and exercise choices will be explored and again suggestions may be made.

Your medicine will be prepared at your first visit. The prescription is made up of a mix of herbs specific to you.

You may have questions and we can go through them at this point.


What are the expectations after the visit?

Because the consultation is long and often tiring :-

I will always email  you with a summary of what herbs I am using and why. I will remind you of what I have suggested and what we have discussed.

Timescales are often difficult to predict as each patient responds differently to their prescription.  You may see a change within the first month.  I will arrange a  follow-up appointment after 4 weeks. It is important to realise that I may need to adjust your treatment as you progress. In the second consultation we will explore further your diet and lifestyle choices. We can discuss what has worked for you and how you can tweak recommendations to suit your lifestyle.

Choosing to follow a more natural lifestyle is a commitment  – I am available to advise and inform your journey however the hard work is all down to you. The rewards will be worth it.


Herbal medicines are specific to the individual, therefore I do not stock generic mixes for common complaints, however, we are able to sell simple tinctures (containing only one herb) if requested.


For more info visit the National Institute of Medical herbalists. 

Seeing a herbalist





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