Whats the idea?

Whats the idea?

Before GPs and pharmacists (and the NHS)- Herbal medicine was relied upon to promote health, treat illness and maintain energy. By researching the traditions of all cultures  we discover the important relationship humans have had with plants for medicne . Plants contain the building blocks for healthy life, and because of this we use them in this natural form of healthcare. They are available to everyone.  [pullquote]If used appropriately herbs can be utilised to maintain health. They are perfect to restore the balance after an illness has weakened the body`s natural defences. Or once the stress and pace of today`s world has taken its toll.[/pullquote]

In an ideal world, after an illness you would have the time to recover by convalescing.This would allow time for the body to heal itself and build energy reserves. However due to the hectic lifestyles we lead,  not many of us have this luxurious option after illness. Herbal medicine along with a healthy lifestyle can be  used to help with the healing process. This in turn will reduce the stress we may encounter from further illnesss.


Herbal medicine vs pharmaceuticals

Many pharmaceutical drugs contain phytochemicals (chemicals found in plants) e.g: morphine from poppies Papaver somniferum, digoxin from foxglove Digitalis purpurea and colchicine from the autumn crocus Colchicum autumnale.

These chemicals, and many others, are extracted from the plants and used in the laboratories of pharmaceutical companies to create drugs and medicines. Herbalists believe that the whole plant, as well as the active ingredient, has a role to play in promoting overall health and wellbeing. There will always be a place for pharmaceutical medicines, but they need to be used judiciously and with caution. Herbalists believe that a more integrated approach to healthcare needs to be taken. Although herbal medicines are natural, they are still powerful medicines and need to be used appropriately and treated with respect. It is important that patients do not self-diagnose or self-medicate, but seek professional advice from a qualified herbalist or GP.

What can be treated by Herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine is suitable for adults and children alike. In general, chronic (longterm) conditions respond well to individually designed prescriptions. Herbal medicine may also be appropriate for addressing some of the side effects experienced with prescription drugs. The herbs which are used will be chosen carefully to ensure that there are no adverse reactions with prescription drugs.  Please note that patients will never be advised to stop medication without their prescribing doctor’s consent.

Common complaints presented to herbalists

Hormonal imbalance,
Digestive disorders,
Circulatory conditions,
Skin conditions & Allergies,
Sleep disorders,
Anxiety & Depression,
Aches & Pains,
and many more…


For more info Contact me 

What is a Herbalist?