Herbs for Perimenopause

Herbs for Perimenopause

Lets talk perimenopause…and possible herbs used for this condition.

For those of you who don`t  know what this is – it is the time in your hormonal cycle before your periods stop and you enter into menopause proper. This time of upheaval can last years or if you`re lucky you may not be aware of any change at all. Normally you will be in your forties, as the children are getting that bit older and you`re looking forward to resuming a former existence of carefree no -responsibility days. When suddenly out of the blue, you are beset with some (or all) of the following symptoms:

Hot flashes
Breast tenderness
Worse premenstrual syndrome
Lower sex drive
Fatigue and insomnia
Irregular periods
Vaginal dryness; discomfort during sex
Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
Urinary urgency (an urgent need to urinate more frequently)
Brain fog 
Memory/ concentration issues 
Mood swings



You visit the GP and the only thing they can offer you  are various hormonal options, (or anti depressants for the more debilitating mood disorders)  which is not an option as you are finally able to indulge without the worry of an unwanted pregnancy (BUT don`t be fooled you CAN still fall pregnant in these troublesome times!) . So they offer you the mirena coil or an implant to reduce the symptoms but one google search will leave you cold at all the potential side effects.

So you`re not too keen on taking the hormones – however home life is suffering, you` re exhausted by insomnia and unpredictable mood swings. You have no energy for exercise and healthy eating.  This  seems nothing compared to the unwanted physical symptoms you`re suffering – vaginal dryness and the ridiculously unpredictable period.

There is an answer –  try a more natural healthy approach by consulting a herbalist :

  • Bolster your nervous system to cope with mood fluctuations and stress levels
  • Address the lack of energy  so you have enough in the tank to face your day to day life
  • Help your body manage stress and enhance resistance to stress
  • Support your liver function to help you eliminate the excess hormones that are causing troublesome symptoms
  • Help your body balance hormonal activity in the face of changing hormone levels
  • Support the tissues of the female reproductive system, especially the uterus, so they can survive hormonal changes
  • Help to reduce symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats


For more information have a look at one of my Hormonal Health packages.

Visit NIMH to find your nearest herbalist.